Amazing just the way you are
Amazing just the way you are

Two Christian foster parents unable to foster because of their views on homosexuality? It's wrong to discriminate because of their beliefs but we are forgetting the most important factor in this case the hypothetical child they would be fostering. The problems arise when these two worlds collide. Why? Well, I have no right to tell someone else what they should believe. I believe that faith is personal and I have no problem with people who believe that being gay is wrong. I am trying to delve into the Christian side of the argument. Anyway, I am not really arguing the political ethics here. Although he is obviously careful not to take sides as he does not want to offend either party. On this one occasion though, I will be congratulating The Conservative leader for backing the court decision and not being afraid to state so. However, I do feel that Labour cater to the people that need it and they are less "rich-friendly" than the Conservatives. I do not feel any one party should lead this or any country. Does that mean I support Labour? Yes and no. Now, I should probably share my political views at this point. Today I will mainly be focusing on this article. So lets just jump right in, as I feel that's enough background information as you need. But I am also open minded and I am all about looking at both sides of the argument. I doubt it will be involving personal details, I felt I needed somewhere to blog my thoughts about political articles, in particular homosexuality and religion issues. I am not sure what the aim of this blog will be. I've had a livejournal, a tumblr, a facebook and a twitter but I have never posted a "blog". I've not actually ever "blogged" before in this capacity.

Amazing just the way you are